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How to Make the Most of Mobile Marketing with SMS

mobile marketing with sms

Unlock the secrets of SMS mobile marketing success and take your product promotion to new heights. Mobile usage is now eclipsing traditional internet access, so put yourself ahead of the competition by utilising mobile ads such as banners, video games, or QR codes – connecting you with an ever-expanding customer base!

SMS mobile marketing has proven to be an effective way for businesses to engage with customers and drive interactions. SMS provides a unique opportunity to establish ongoing conversations with customers, which can help build strong relationships and increase customer loyalty. It allows companies to offer personalised messages tailored directly to their audience’s needs, making it easier than ever to stay connected and create powerful marketing campaigns.

SMS mobile marketing is becoming increasingly popular due to its streamlined process, rapid response times and efficient delivery of messages. SMS technology gives businesses the ability to send offers quickly, new product updates or reminders, allowing them to stay in touch with their customers without having to go through multiple steps or channels like other forms of communication. SMS provides an easy way for businesses to interact with their customers that is both fast and easy, so they don’t miss out on potential sales opportunities.

1 – Looking to drive loyalty with your customers?

Give them exclusive access to offers and discounts by enticing them into an SMS subscription. Turn a mundane task like subscribing into an exciting experience as if they are joining a secret club!

2 – Want to reward your customers for their loyalty?

Give them VIP treatment! Entice them with special discounts and offers that can only be unlocked by joining an exclusive SMS subscription club. Make signing up a captivating experience they won’t forget! 52% of customers prefer to be notified of offers by SMS.

3 – Sending out an SMS campaign?

Don’t forget to give customers the vital info they need – ensure your keyword and short code are obvious for them to join. Give a clear call to action so that you can reap all the benefits of successful campaigns!

4 – Gone are the days of being limited to 160 characters.

With Saascoms feature rich SMS services, you can engage your customers – send them video clips and images about what makes your business unique or include interactive YouTube links, so they feel connected with you on a deeper level.

5 – Invite customers to join the conversations on your website or social media accounts when they enter a contest.

Entice them with engaging links that keep their curiosity piqued while guiding them further into your online presence.

6 – Reaching out to your customers via text can be a great way to boost word-of-mouth advertising.

Reward those who share the most by offering them exclusive deals or complimentary products, and watch as your reach grows!

7 – Act fast – a sense of urgency can work wonders!

Knowing when something is only available for a limited time encourages customers to reach out sooner, meaning you’ll get the response or information needed in no time.

8 – There’s nothing quite like feeling as though you are a part of something exclusive, and your VIP customers should take advantage of it!

Make sure to include in any text offers that the deal is only for this select group. Showcase the benefits of subscribing, ensuring they don’t want to be left behind on these remarkable opportunities.

9 – Texts are more than just a way to communicate with customers—they can also be used as powerful hooks to draw them into your social media realm.

Connect with your audience further by using texts to promote any contests or sweepstakes you have going on and direct followers towards essential pages.

10 – Involve your customers in the decision-making process by sending out surveys!

Gauge their reaction to new products and ideas, or even find out if they would like you to join a new social media platform. After collecting valuable customer feedback, let them know what others think with an informative text message – or go ahead and announce it on one of your existing channels for maximum engagement!

11 – Take your customer communication to the next level!

Follow up an email with a text, meaning both message types will be accessible on your customers’ mobile devices. This two-pronged approach can significantly increase response rates and open more doors for dialogue.

12 – Timing is everything when sending out texts; plan your message around the customer’s schedule.

Avoid rush hour and aim for times outside of 9 am-9 pm, such as lunch or after work hours – this will ensure you get their full attention without disrupting them during busy periods!

mobile marketing with sms

13 – Marketers should use mobile technology and texting platforms to reach the broadest possible audience, especially those of a younger demographic.

This strategy can be particularly effective among 18-49-year-olds who are digital natives and already have an established relationship with their mobile phones.

14 – Connect better with your customers by asking them about their communication preferences.

Find out when they would like to be contacted and what kind of information you could provide – then tailor-make an SMS program that fits their needs!

15 – Personalising texts can make a strong connection with your customers.

Make sure to add their names when appropriate – this simple touch will show that the message is just for them! You can tailor messages based on what they like most so it resonates more effectively and stimulates interaction.

All in all, SMS marketing is an innovative, effective way to engage with customers and make your business even more successful. It offers a valuable source of information that can help businesses gain insight into customer behavior, preferences and interests. By following best practices, tracking results and setting clear objectives, businesses of all sizes can get the most out of SMS marketing. Plus, with tools like Saascoms it’s easier than ever to start using SMS in your business. So why not try out this powerful method and see how it helps you get closer to achieving your business goals?

Now that you know what it can do for you, all it takes is dedication and effort!

For more information on SMS mobile marketing with Saascoms contact us today – we’re here to help!

Make contact to discuss our SMS solutions